Tap Dance
Tap Dance
To nurture the creativity and potential in all members through tap dancing; and
To provide opportunities for every tap dancer to develop and grow according to her talent and ability.
What We Do
The Tap Dance CCA is a platform for members to learn more about modern and contemporary dance in a fun and engaging way. Members learn tap dancing movements to a variety of music genres like Jazz, Hip-hop and K-pop. At the beginner and intermediate levels, members work towards improving their body coordination, working on the precision towards tapping musicality. Through the weekly dance sessions, students develop resilience, self-discipline, concentration and team spirit. Members of the advanced level also get to take part in the Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation held every 2 years to showcase their talent and skills.
Members are given opportunities to perform at various school and public events so as to build their confidence and showmanship. Dance workshops are also organised once every semester for our members to gain more exposure through learning other forms of dance.
To encourage creativity and critical thinking skills, members are given opportunities to choreograph their own dance routines as part of portfolio building. The Tap Dance CCA also aims to provide opportunities for members to inculcate servant leadership by using their talents to serve the community through VIA involvement.